层层攻破高考疑难点,让复读更简单 全空调优雅的学习环境,安静、舒适的星级标准配置,并设有多媒体等现代教学设施,全然没有了寒窗苦读的艰辛。
泸州美术生文化课培训学校需要多少钱 为了帮助大家复习,小编收集了一些有关于高考艺术生文化课提升的一些基础知识题,希望对艺考生们有所帮助:
①秦印中的文字多为小篆 ②东汉画像石反映出当时牛耕的景象
③汉瓦中多为篆、隶字体 ④文物反映着秦汉时期制瓷业的发展
A.①②④ B.②③④ C.①②③ D.①③④
二、蒋廷黻在《中国近代史》中指出:“1840年以前是我们对人家不公正,1840年以后是人家对我们不公正。”对此理解比较合理的是( )
①前一个“不公正”指中国自认是天朝上国,视外国为蛮夷 ②后一个“不公正”指列强发动侵略战争,签订不平等条约 ③后一个“不公正”是前一个“不公正”引起的 ④西方对中国不公正的原因在于工业革命后商品输出需要
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④
【知识点】近代中国反侵略 求民主的斗争
A.朱熹 B.李贽 C.陆九渊 D.程颢
泸州美术生文化课培训学校需要多少钱 英语试题:
一、 The ______ news made us _______.
A. disappointing; disappointing B. disappointed; disappointed
C. disappointing; disappointed D. disappointed; disappointing
【知识点】分词 【答案】
二、1. Nothing can compensate for the loss of one’s health.
A. take up B. make up C. stay up D. keep up
2. Encourage your kid to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want.
A. 承诺 B. 损害 C. 折中 D. 理解
3. The educator urged that the study of history should be compulsory in school.
A. required B. deleted C. organized D. ignored
4. The two parties holding different views on the issue conflicted at the meeting.
A. agreed B. discussed C. talked D. fought
5. I struggled with my conscience over whether I should tell the truth to the police that it was my best friend who stole the ring.
A. moral sense B. humorous sense C. responsibility D. ability
6. They discussed a lot at the conference and finally the problem was settled.
A. room B. meeting C. appointment D. competition
7. Free trade and environmental protection has become a consensus of countries in the world.
A. 目标 B. 措施 C. 难题 D. 共识
8. The management plan consists of four main components with each one equally important.
A. 条件 B. 方式 C. 部分 D. 结果
9. With Christmas around the corner, my mother is busy making preparations for it.
A. coming B. facing C. waiting D. leaving
10. What the homeless people wanted was some food and a cosy bed.
A. big B. cold C. expensive D. comfortable
11. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.
A. 标准 B. 条件 C. 信誉 D. 能力
12. He is a consultant on law affairs. You can ask him for advice on your divorce case.
A. pilot B. adviser C. judge D. leader
13. The collision took place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world with no survivors.
A. 撞车事故 B. 坠机事故 C. 撞船事故 D. 政党冲突
14. You can go anywhere and still the compass points north or south.
A. 地图 B. 指南针 C. 标尺 D. 坐标
15. The dining room has beautiful views and offers delicious cuisine.
A. food B. cooking C. noodles D. vegetables
16. Mr. Green chose to teach children in a conventional way rather than in a modern way.
A. popular B. funny C. traditional D. beautiful
17. You’ll need some cash in local currency, but you can also use your credit card.
A. people B. money C. countries D. airflow
18. All the schools have music and dancing as part of the curriculum.
A. course B. plan C. environment D. program
19. Blood circulates inside our bodies.
A. 传播 B. 蔓延 C. 流传 D. 循环
20. My ambition was to work in a circus, so that I can perform shows with animals.
A. 旅行团 B. 动物园 C. 剧院 D. 马戏团
21. I stepped outside and pulled up my collar of my overcoat to protect myself from the cold.
A. 领子 B. 扣子 C. 袖子 D. 帽子
22. The ship set sail after all the crew came on board.
A. 船员 B. 机组人员 C. 乘客 D. 机长
23. We correspond every week. In the letters we share everything happening in daily life.
A. 吵架 B. 关心 C. 通信 D. 探视
24. Please tell me the concrete date for the conference so that I can make preparations for it.
A. 具体的 B. 正确的 C. 混泥土制的 D. 抽象的
25. Those corrupt officials were seriously punished by law for their illegal behavior.
A. 廉明的 B. 腐败的 C. 失职的 D. 不公正的
【知识点】单词 【答案】
1~5 BCADA 6~10 BDCAD 11~15 ABCBA 16~20 CBADD 21~25 ABCAB
三、 ---I saw Mr. Smith at Xianyang Airport this morning.
---You ____. He’s still on holiday in Hawaii.
A. can’t B. couldn’t have C. mustn’t have D. needn’t
【知识点】虚拟语气与情态动词 【答案】